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4 Things Your CRM Needs If You Want To Grow A Successful Real Estate Business

I spend ALOT of time talking to real estate agents. I talk to agents in person, in Facebook groups, and in just about every medium available.

One of the MOST common questions real estate agents as is, "Which CRM is best." This question is quickly followed by a few snarky "The one you use is the best" answers from seasoned agents.

Being in sales since I was 16 years old, I have used just about every CRM known to man, UNTIL I got into real estate. So, lucky you...I am NOT going to spend the next few lines singing praises of individual customer relationship managemnt softwares features and benefits, pros and cons, etc.

What I want to do in this post is to give you the 4 things your CRM needs to help you grow a well connected business, and life. And I am going to do that by talking about how I incorporate these 3 things into the FREE CRM that I use in my business.

Why do I talk about my free CRM? Not because its the best. Because I want to show you that its not about the technology. Its about these 3 things.

A CRM is a CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGER. It is not a "follow up sales system." Its a program you use to deepen your relationship with your prospects, customers, and sphere of influence. So let's get into it.

Before we start...Cat out of the bag...I use Excel for my CRM. You can use any spreadsheet. Now lets add some things:

  1. Prospect Name and Contact - In order of importance....Name, Email, Cell Phone, Address. This one should be obvious to everyone. If you dont have your will them?

  2. Notes - In Excel, I would right click on a cell and hit "add note" then i edit the note every time I talk to the person. Notes about everything and anything that seems important, or like something I will want to remember.

  3. Date of Next Follow Up - I read a statistic that less than 30% of homeowners use the same agent twice. I don't think its a service problem. I see it as a follow up problem. We just forget. NEVER leave the site of a contact without scheduling the date for the next contact. In Excel, you can sort your Date cell so that today is at the top, and you can just hit down your list every day until you finish all your follow ups.

  4. Topic of Next Conversation

    - A very common objection when I ask people to call their contacts is..."But I dont know what to talk to them about." Enter Topic of Next Conversation...I put this right next to the date. What are you going to talk to them about when you call back? I really like following up on something we spoke about in the past (see "Notes), a special event, something they are interested in, etc.

Note....I don't talk about real estate very often, but it ALWAYS comes up. Trust me...when you call a friend to talk about their birthday, the odds of them asking you about work are pretty high. Play it cool...dont jump down their throat.

Lots more strategies for CRM's to come, but before we get any further, PLEASE make sure, wether you are using an expensive CRM, or a free one like mine, that it has these 4 VITAL parts.

Until next time...lets make some deals!


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