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Develop These 2 Skills To Be A Top Real Estate Agent

Let's be real...the licensing class to become a real estate agent barely breaks the surface of the vast ocean of skills you need to succeed as a successful real estate agent.

New agents take their licensing class, and learn dates, real estate history, basic terms, fair housing, and ethics among other things.

Then they join a brokerage and learn how to write contracts, and in many cases, antiquated marketing techniques that make todays consumers cringe (sorry agents who have been doing this longer than me.)

But very few brokerages take the time to really develop, what I consider to be the 2 MOST IMPORTANT skills that will take you from struggling to success in your real estate career. The first one is obvious, but important. The second one even escapes the most seasoned real estate veterans (myself included) at times.

Let's crack into these 2 skills...


Thats right. Lead generation. The riches are handed to the people who BRING THE MONEY IN THE DOOR. Is Rain Making a skill that can be developed. As a first generation, NON-RAINMAKER, I can assure you that if you are living in drought, there is hope at the end of the tunnel.

I could write volumes about Rain Making and Lead Generation, but lets just crack down to the basics. Add people to your list, add value to your list, be a resource to your list, help most of your list when they need real estate. For additional resources, check out my two favorite books that helped me immensely with this topic.

SKILL 2 - Deal Resuscitation!

What the heck is this? This is the ability to stay positive in the face of the imminent death of a deal. The skill set to work through the problems, untie the knots, and get the deal to the finish line WHILE EXECUTING ON YOUR CLIENTS BEST INTERESTS.

Disclaimer - I help my clients kill shitty deals all the time. But when a deal is a good deal, I will go to the ends of the earth to help them get it done, overcoming deal fatigue, challenges, and obstacles

My friend Todd owns a very successful brokerage about 2 hours from me, and he always says, "Every deal dies 3 times before its you better learn CPR." This is definitely a skill that comes from experience, but here are 3 quick steps to improve your deal saving skills

  1. Stay Calm - You can be passionate about your job, and helping your clients, but when it comes to face. Stay calm, and don't let the bumps shake you.

  2. Stay Positive - If the deal is the right deal, everything will be figure-outable (is that a word?) It will work out, so keep that postive attitude in the front seat with you. Buyers and sellers like to hit the doom and gloom buttons at times. Just keep swimming.

  3. Keep The Best Interest of Your Client As The Priority - Once you start fighting so you can keep a paycheck, you have already lost. Ask yourself..."If I was getting paid wether this deal happens or not, what is the best way to handle this for my client." This sounds obvious, but the number of times I have seen agents kill deals over a few hundred dollars is mind blowing. Your primary responsibility is working in the best interest of your client and adding value. Keep true to that fact, and the dollars will flow.

Where do you rate yourself on these skills? Want more tips? Subscribe to the Successful Agent Newsletter!


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