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How To Be Persistent in Your Real Estate Business

This week, I want to talk about PERSISTENCE.


In most cases, the worthwhile things in life never work out on the first try.  It would be weird if they did. Sometimes they work out on the second try.  Sometimes they don’t work out on the first OR the second try, but they work out on the third and fourth….but on the fifth, CHAOS once again. 


In the dictionary….Persistence is defined as “obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.”

In the real estate business...Persistence is often defined as "obnoxious" or "annoying."


The real estate business is filled with obstacles.  We need persistence to get the client to work with us, then we need persistence to keep the client working with us, THEN we have to be persistent to get the deal to close.  Each and every one of those steps is filled with obstacles, and the agent who is PERSISTENT always come out on top. 

First, lets address the elephant in the room. I don't care if your goal is more clients, better personal relationships, weight loss, muscle gain, or any goal you can is an uphill battle if you dont CARE about the outcome.

Find the people you WANT, NEED, and LOVE to help; and the persistence will feel much more natural


Here are a couple quick tips on being persistent in your business:

  1. Follow Up with Value – Its easy to turn “persistent” into “obnoxious.”  If you are always trying to help and bring value to every interaction, its easier to keep yourself out of the “annoying salesperson” box

  2. Have A System For Consistency – Use your CRM to keep notes from conversations, and ALWAYS schedule the next call or interaction.  I like to talk to people every 60-90 days. Scheduling it in my CRM makes it MUCH easier. 

  3. Automate When Necessary – Use your MLS, database, or just an email program like MailChimp to get everyone some kind of email once a week.  Market updates, listing alerts, etc.  This will help you stay top of mind, even if the emails never get opened. 

If the fortune is in the follow up, then persistence is precious. Get out there, add value, and make some deals. Want more of this content? Subscribe to our Weekly



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