Your Thoughts Are Louder Than You Think

Let me ask you a question. Have you ever walked into a room and INSTANTLY felt like the people in the room were glad you walked in? Maybe it was visiting family on a holiday, maybe coming home from work to your family, or even showing up at a night out with friends.
You feel an instant sense of connection, almost like you are being drawn in. It's a great feeling.
But what about the other side of the coin? Have you ever walked into a room where you knew, instinctively, that peopel were not happy you showed up. Maybe it was the sudden quieting of the room, lack of eye contact, or just that general sense of "ick."
You can feel the unwelcomed thoughts, and can cut the tension with a knife.
Why Does This Happen? In both of these situations, it's almost as if you have the instinctive ability to HEAR and/or FEEL thoughts. Your brain, in many cases, is like a computer. You put in the code and it runs the program, even without you thinking about it.
Microespression, body language, and even the "vibes" of our thoughts can have a much bigger impact than we realize. Have you ever heard the expression that someone "brightens up a room by entering it" or leaving it?
The Good News can control what people hear, and more importantly, how they FEEL when in your presence.
First....Be Intentional - In his book, High Performance Habits, Brendan Burchard talks about setting your intentions before you even enter the room by using the door as a trigger. Ask yourself when entering your home, a networking event, or a social interaction, "What impact do I want to have on this space?" Then make it a positive one.
Second...Whatch Your Mouth - In my house, I like to tell my daughters to be careful what you say in private, because those thoughts leak out in public, EVEN IF NOT OUT LOUD. What we think and say in private can have a
huge impact to the way we show up in public. Research shows that people who aren't constantly complaining and making jokes about their spouses behind their backs have healthier marriages. Imagine how this can apply to your kids, your clients, your boss, etc. Plant seeds of positivity in your brain by focusing on why you are grateful for the people in your life, and shout it from the rooftops. You may be less popular, but you will be happier.
Third...Engage Your Physiology - When we are unmotivated, or negative, we hold our bodies differently. Our breathing tends to be shallow, shoulders slumped, etc. Instead of walking into a room with yesterdays weights on your shoulders, stand up straight, breathe deep, and make eye contact (the appropriate amount.) :-) This will not only make you feel better, but will also throw some energy to the people around you. Don't forget to smile!
In Closing...Your thoughts are not just in your head. They are in your attitude, your body language, and your energy. People can feel your thougths. What messages are you sending?
Choose to be the person who lights up the room. Not the one who dims it.